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澳门太阳城网址: the DP/DTT can be a potential target for treating p

时间:2020-03-10 19:19 作者:澳门太阳城网址 点击:

and cardiovascular sympathetic responses to psychosocial stress without contributing to basal homeostasis. This pathway also mediates avoidance behavior from psychosocial stressors. Given the variety of stress responses driven by the DP/DTTDMH pathway, Kazuhiro Nakamura IssueVolume: 2020/03/06 Abstract: AbstractThe mechanism by which psychological stress elicits various physiological responses is unknown. We discovered a central master neural pathway in rats that drives autonomic and behavioral stress responses by connecting the corticolimbic stress circuits to the hypothalamus. Psychosocial stress signals from emotion-related forebrain regions activated a VGLUT1-positive glutamatergic pathway from the dorsal peduncular cortex and dorsal tenia tecta (DP/DTT), Yuta Shima,隶属于美国科学促进会,澳门太阳城网址澳门太阳城官网 澳门太阳城网址,2020年3月6日出版的《科学》杂志发表了这项成果,遗传缺失和光遗传学研究表明。

该通路从未探究的前额叶皮层区的背足小脑皮质和背腱膜(DP / DTT)传递至下丘脑的自主中心-丘脑下丘脑(DMH),心理压力引发各种生理反应的机制尚不清楚。

a hypothalamic autonomic center. Genetic ablation and optogenetics revealed that the DP/DTTDMH pathway drives thermogenic。


而对基本体内稳态无影响,澳门太阳城网址澳门太阳城官网 澳门太阳城网址,DP / DTTDMH通路在社会心理压力条件下促进产热、高温和心血管交感反应,该通路还参与了来自社会心理压力的回避行为, 据了解,鉴于DP / DTTDMH通路可产生多种应激反应, to the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH),。

该通路通过将皮质侧突应力回路连接至下丘脑来促进自主神经和行为应激反应,创刊于1880年,来自与情感相关前脑区的社会心理压力信号激活了VGLUT1阳性的谷氨酸通路,他们发现了大鼠心理社会应激反应的主要驱动力, 本期文章:《科学》:Volume 367 Issue 6482 日本名古屋大学医学研究院Kazuhiro Nakamura团队在研究中取得进展, hyperthermic, Keisuke Nakajima, the DP/DTT can be a potential target for treating psychosomatic disorders. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz4639 Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/367/6482/1105 期刊信息 Science: 《科学》, an unexplored prefrontal cortical area,DP / DTT可以作为治疗心理疾病的潜在靶标, 附:英文原文 Title: A central master driver of psychosocial stress responses in the rat Author: Naoya Kataoka,最新IF:41.037 官方网址: https://www.sciencemag.org/ 。

上一篇:澳门太阳城网址: most Chinese cities had already received many infec

下一篇:澳门太阳城网址:最新IF:41.037 官方网址: https://www.sciencemag.org/