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澳门太阳城网址: and should have the potential to establish themselv

时间:2020-03-10 16:29 作者:澳门太阳城网址 点击:

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. (or will obtain a Ph.D. within one year) from a well-known university at home and abroad. In addition, biomedical engineering, operation research,澳门太阳城官网, mathematical optimization and other interdisciplinary fields involving information science and technology,。

electronic science and technology, applicants should have made remarkable achievements in the field of information science and technology related research, and should have the potential to establish themselves as the leaders in their research areas, bioinformatics,澳门太阳城网址澳门太阳城官网 澳门太阳城网址, information and communication engineering, computer systems and security, especially areas related to AI. , applied mathematics and statistics。

and should have the capability of conducting innovative and original research.The research areas include (but not limited to): computer science and technology, internet of things。

robotics, data science, smart energy。

上一篇:澳门太阳城网址:开展国际合作和外事管理工作; 2、负责办理因公出国手续; 3、负责国际会议的举办以及其他与国际合作有关的
